Wherein a wisecracking high school janitor teaches kids to believe in their dreams
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Starring: Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, John Saxon, Johnny Depp, Amanda Wyss, and...John Saxon? You bet your bald ass John Saxon
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Starring: Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, John Saxon, Johnny Depp, Amanda Wyss, and...John Saxon? You bet your bald ass John Saxon
Director: Wes Craven
Production: New Line Cinema
Runtime: 91 minutes
Runtime: 91 minutes
It is the chief assertion by most horror movie fans that
there is some sort of (un)holy trinity of slasher movies, those being the
following: Halloween (1978), Friday the 13th (1980) and A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).
Unfortunately this means shrift is given shortly to masterpieces like Psycho (1960) and satires like Scream (1996), but the Big Three have
spawned the most sequels. It takes more than sequelage to make the podium,
however; otherwise we’d be putting Leprechaun
up there. People actually like the Big Three, though the variance on quality is
pretty large; they range from masterful to obscene (or, as they say in New
York, sophisticated).
A Nightmare on Elm Street is definitely in the middle of that spectrum, but more toward masterful than disastrous. The most important quality of Nightmare 1 is that it doesn’t just feel like a horror movie; it feels like a classic 80s movie, something that’s of relevant importance. Regrettably, I didn’t get the big deal growing up, so now’s a fine enough time to revisit the first movie. I do remember when I was an ankle biter and dressed up like a Street Shark for Halloween while everyone else dressed up as either Freddy Krueger or that guy from Scream. Yeah, enjoy your R rated movies with sex and stuff, I’ll be over here with the cool kids pretending I’m a talking cartoon shark. Geeks.
The film opens with Freddy Krueger, or Mr. K as I've come to know him spiritually, putting together his main
instrument of destruction: a ratty ass leather glove with some steak knives
attached to the fingers. Points are given for creativity, but points must be
immediately revoked for lack of functionality. I’m aware that it's dangerous, but it looks rickety as all hell. The thing looks like it’s about to
shatter at any moment. I will admit that the decision to film the creation of
the device in close-up detail was a nifty idea that probably influenced the
making of the chainsaw-for-a-hand portion of Evil Dead II.
Typical 80's movie high school teenager Tina (Amanda Wyss) is being
chased by an unseen man with this finger-knife-glove. Astute viewers should
recognize Wyss from the criminally underappreciated 80s classic Better Off Dead. Even though Better Off Dead was released nearly a
year after A Nightmare on Elm Street,
I kinda feel like the latter film is a spiritual sequel, just with a way darker
tone. All I need now is for John Cusack to get decapitated and my headcanon
will be validated.
Tina is chased throughout a boiler room that’s very well shot
while the credits play out; if there’s one thing these movies do well it’s the
dreamscape. If there's two things these movies do well it's the dreamscape and dancing around Freddy diddling children. There’s that wacky, barely-obscured figure with the poorly-designed
bowling glove trying to get her, but right when he’s about to tear into her,
she wakes up and fakes a really stupid face right in front of a wide-angle
lens. It wuss awl a dweem. Glad
they’re getting that twist out of the
way in a hurry! After all, the dream sequence death fake-out is a crutch of bad horror. Something’s off though: Tina’s mother observes that there are
four slashes in her nightgown and proffers this matriarchal wisdom: “you either
gotta cut your fingernails or ya gotta stop that kinda dreaming.” I genuinely can’t
tell whether that was supposed to be a sexual innuendo.
Tina feels rough about being nearly murdered in a dream, so
she invites her friends Nancy (Heather Langenkamp) and Glen (Johnny Depp, in
his film debut) over to keep her company. Her boyfriend also decides to come
over and completely dumpsters Glen like Warren Sapp sacking Kerry Collins. Rod
decides that sex is the best way to relax, as Mr. Pataki would agree (Editor's note: Hell yeah man sex is cool, can't wait to have it some day), so they
venture upstairs while Glen is left to listen to their intimate relations while
lounging on a couch downstairs. This is why you buy a Rubik’s cube, kids.
Nancy’s asleep in…some bed…in someone’s house. Not really
established which bed or which house, but we know she’s not sharing it with
Glen because…fuck, look at him. Her
crucifix falls off the wall, which gives Wes Craven the opportunity to use this
really neat effect:
Alright, so this is obviously a dream, but who’s dreaming,
Nancy or Tina? This is never established, but that’s a good thing: it keeps the
audience guessing and it means the environment is never safe. Anyone can be
dreaming about anything. As long as the cast stays relatively small, this isn’t
a problem. Try doing this in something like Nashville,
however, then you got problems, city slicker. On second thought, I wouldn’t
mind a bunch of country-western singers meeting Frederick Q. Krueger.
Someone fires a molar into Nancy’s window, so she does the logical
thing and goes out into the night to investigate without telling anyone. The
scene progresses pretty much as you’d expect; Freddy (might as well dispense
with the “who could it be~” conceit, since this scene clearly displays his
face) shows off his neat-o stretchy arms, cuts
off his fingers to show he’s got green blood, and even melts his face off to
show a spooky skeleton face underneath. Really, the whole thing is
unintentionally hilarious and totally worth watching. While these supernatural shenanigans take place, Tina is having a real bad time in her bedroom. Rod awakens to find her tossing and turning beneath the
sheets, before being flung up the wall and onto the ceiling while being slashed
apart by an unseen force as blood splatters all over the room.
It’s…actually kinda terrifying.
No horseshit, this is probably the scariest part of the movie.
Despite being entirely unbelievable, the effects are so well done that it’s
almost certainly the point of a movie where the audience doesn’t scream or
shriek or impotently yell “look out!” – it’s where they sit and watch in
stunned silence. I don’t know a single thing about Tina, but I felt horrified
during the entire duration – in a good way, I guess. It’s a lot better than
watching Friday the 13th and realizing most of the audience is
sympathizing with the killer.
After I consider watching Veggietales instead gather my wits and press on,
Detective John Saxon (!) enters the precinct to determine just what in the blue
hell happened. Turns out he’s Nancy’s dad, and as movie dads go that’s gotta be
a top ten pick. Not quite Schwarzeneggar, but damn close. Rod’s the lead
suspect, all because he and Tina quarreled, and police somehow believe he did
all that damage to her with a straight razor. I’d say that’s hard to believe,
but I guess the undead pepperoni faced man with the knife glove doing it in a dream world might
not fly in court. It’s even harder to buy Rod’s story when he tackles Nancy off
the side of the road, but Super Action Police Chief John Saxon is there to
arrest the out-of-work punk rocker. The streets are safe from another Ramones
imitator thanks to you, Roper.
After a less-than-stellar encounter at the school that
doesn’t really deserve a written description, Nancy retires to the comfort of
her bathtub. Again, another great effect wherein Nancy gets dragged down into a
swimming pool-depth tub. This is one thing I’ll make clear about the movie now:
I have a pretty good idea of how they accomplished all the effects, but I don’t
need to know to be impressed. The whole thing feels believable and impressive
at the same time. Shoutout to the effects crew; this movie still (mostly) holds
up in the toughest department for any 80s movie.
The whole stay-awake-to-avoid-Freddy thing is pretty tough,
but luckily the world’s dorkiest boyfriend swings by like he’s Sam from Clarissa Explains It All to save the
night. Fade to black as Nancy leaves the house and wanders off to the police
station, and OH SHIT
Freddy chases her back to the house, as she struggles to ascend
her staircase (now made of foot-flavored oatmeal, presumably), back to her room
– where Glen lies sleeping. What a geekasaurus rex. Nancy consoles herself in
front of the mirror and OH FUCK
THANKS FOR THAT SHIT. Anyway, the alarm clock goes off just
in time to wake Nancy, and she was definitely about to be gutted right that
second. Glen is the most useless piece of trash on the face of the earth. He
looks like Brian Setzer if Brian Setzer couldn’t get any chicks or play guitar
(so basically Morrissey). He’s got arms like dry spaghetti. He can’t run 200m
without stopping and asking for directions. In case it’s hard to tell, Johnny
Depp sucks in this movie.
Stricken with panic and bad hair, our two intrepid teens rush
over to the cell block, where beautiful perfect god-man John Saxon is waiting
for them to tell them their darling Rod is totally fine. There is absolutely no way
that Freddy is using his blankets to hang him while he sleeps. Wait, is Rod
dreaming about getting hanged? Is Nancy meta-dreaming about Rod getting hanged?
Can Freddy just kill someone who’s dreaming even if they don’t dream of him
specifically? Somehow this 1984 slasher movie just became too cerebral for my
walnut-sized brain.
Nancy explains to the parental units that she’s been dreaming
of some manlet in a tacky sweater with razor blade fingers and – most saliently
– a burnt up face. For some reason having an extra crispy face is what gets her
parents’ attention; I would have worked on that knife finger angle, but that’s
just me observing the inverted pyramid of newsworthiness. For another, separate
but idiotic reason they believe her ludicrous story and toss her in a sleep
study lab/hospital crossover. What follows is probably the most worthless
Freddy encounter in the series: Nancy encounters him, but we never see him or what she’s dreaming about. There’s an
important development, though: she somehow came back with his hat. This raises
so many questions, like how does one bring back something from one’s
imagination? Can one bring real world objects into the dream world? Did Freddy
know about this dream-object transference theorem, or did Nancy just come up
with it? Is Freddy going to retrieve his hat a la Indiana Jones?
Nancy has some serious questions too, and mother knows best.
Why is my body changing? Will it hurt when I start bleeding? Should I wait to
have sex? Do I use the same razor on my underarms that I use on my legs? And,
most critically,
Everyone knows the backstory by now, but I might as well
recite it. Frederick Q. Krueger was a filthy child murderer who slashed
20-somethin’ kids up and down Elm Street. When they finally caught him, he was
let off on a technicality (someone didn’t sign the search warrant in the right
place), and all the grown-ups decided to deep fry him in a boiler room. Nancy’s
mom even held onto the knife-glove for some fucked-up reason.
Right around here is when I, the insufferable, intractable
youth that I was when I saw this for the first time, turned to my father and
asked an endless barrage of questions that were all answered with an innocent,
sing-song “I don’t know.” Why did Freddy kill all those kids? Does he only kill
kids is that why he never invades the dreams of grown-ups? How did he remain
alive in dreams? Did he make a deal with the devil or something? If he only
exists in memories, how can Nancy or Tina or Rod dream about him? Does
daydreaming count since you’re not asleep? Why did Nancy’s mom hold onto the
knife-glove? Does Freddy exist in all dreams, or is he just confined to Elm
Street? If it’s the latter, does he exist during the day when no one’s
dreaming? If you dream about someone else being killed, do they die even if
they were awake? Why did Freddy decide to come back now? Why did they decide to
market the sequels to children? These questions remain unanswered to this day
despite oodles of sequels and dedicated fans.
Nancy theorizes that if she can bring Freddy’s hat out of the
dream, maybe she can bring Freddy himself out as well. She phones Johnny Depp
to warn him that he might be next, to which he offers as a rejoinder: “Me? Who
would want to kill me?” I dunno, maybe anyone who saw Alice in Wonderland. Nancy insists that he coldcock Freddy once she
brings him out (about midnight), all the while forgetting that her mother
installed bars on all the windows. I’m sure “jock” Glen will be able to get in
just fine, of course.
Turns out Dipshit Depp can’t stay awake for 18 minutes (no
wonder Nancy didn’t want his pelvic meatus), as he promptly gets pulled into
his bed as his blood splatters all over the room. I won’t bother to include a
gif of this, as it’s probably in the top five most famous kills in horror movie
history. Everyone has seen this scene, even if they haven’t seen the movie.
It’s nice to be creative, but it just gave 9-year-old me more questions to ask
my dad. How the heck did he do that? Why didn’t the tv shoot out battery acid?
Does someone really have that much blood in their body? When can we switch back
to Animaniacs?
Turns out Nancy’s dreaming too, despite taking handfuls of amphetamines
and drinking coffee and setting up an intricate plan that expressly demands she
stay awake. This is okay though, because it’ll help her pull Freddy into the
real world. So why did she want to stay awake? Stop asking questions, Chris, or
I’ll take away your GameBoy. Nancy’s unplugged phone rings, whereupon Mr. K
informs her that he’s her boyfriend now, then the speaker turns into his mouth
a big ol fake tongue. It’s one of those really perfect hilarious yet creepy
moments that you want to see in
movies of this oeuvre. Unfortunately this scene is all totally unclear as to
whether it’s a dream because we never see her wake up from it. Consistency,
Nancy outfits the house with the Home Alone booby-trap setup. If Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern swing
by, they’ll be toast as well. She falls asleep and descends her dream-home
steps to (quelle surprise) another
damn boiler room. This movie loves boiler rooms, but the nice thing is that a)
it was probably a strong inspiration for the nightmare sections (my favorite
part) of the first Silent Hill game and b) it shows the shifting planes of
reality that makes dreams so interesting, which is extended when, during a
pursuit by Freddy, she jumps down a boiling room ladder and somehow ends up in
the bushes of her front lawn. I love shit like that.
Nancy succeeds in bringing the The Man with the Sharp Hand to
the real world, and thus begins a nice ol’ bit of revenge. She smashes a glass
coffee pot on his head, bonks him in the breadbasket with a sledgehammer, knocking him off the balcony onto some stairs, which he then rolls down, blows
up a nearby lightbulb full of gunpowder, then just completely immolates the
dude for good measure (my favorite effect in the movie). Even still, he continues to chase after her. Say what you will
about him, Freddy Krueger is committed to this whole murder thing. If all that
happening to me, I’d probably throw my knife-glove on the floor and say
“faggeddaboudit, I’m going into accounting.”
She yells across the street to bring several deputies off an
active murder investigation to come over to her place, but it turns out
Freddy’s not much different than Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees in that he’s
basically immortal: he survived the aforementioned ordeal and somehow got away
– up two flights of stairs – past all of them. Like, no way they could have
missed them. Elm Street’s finest, ladies and germs.
Freddy’s upstairs having a go at Nancy’s mom (no, I’m not
going to look up her character’s name on IMDb, I don’t get paid for this), so
Nancy pulls a Mick Foley and hits him with a chair. Sadly, Freddy disappears
and Momma gets sucked into some sort of blue vortex. Maybe she’s going to live
with that demon dog from Ghostbusters.
This all establishes, of course, that Nancy’s been having another one of her
gosh-darned dreams again (Dad, if Freddy has omnipotent control in dreams, why
did he allow himself to get his ass kicked?) which means she’s still in danger.
To her credit, she does come up with a good idea: if Freddy only exists in
dreams, then he only exists because she’s thinking about him. She declares that
he’s nothing, that she takes all his power away from him, that she no longer
believes in him. Two problems though: a) it’s already been established that she
was dreaming about him without ever learning about him or seeing him, and b)
she already said “It’s just a dream, it isn’t real! It’s just a dream, it isn’t
real!” right before this happened:
So yeah, maybe I was a little premature to call that a good
idea. At first it seems to work: Freddy evaporates like spilled milk on the
breakfast table, Nancy walks out to a sunny day, her mom declares she will stop
drinking, and she pops into a car with all her totally alive, not-disemboweled
friends. It’s gonna be a good day to save the rainforest, or clean up the local
youth center, or recycle your sandals. Awww shit, turns out Freddy is a
decepticon, and his alt-mode is John Carpenter’s Christine. As he drives off with the trapped teenagers, Nancy’s mom
gets grabbed through the door and sucked in like a LEGO minifig in a vacuum
tube. It’s another one of those hilarious and genuinely kinda creepy moments
that distracts you from wondering if this twist ending was a
dream-within-a-dream or a dream-within-a-dream-within-a-dream.
As mentioned previously, I haven’t seen A Nightmare on Elm Street since I was an ankle-biter. I didn’t understand
it back then, and I didn’t think I’d like it this time. I can’t stand any of
the Friday the 13th movies
(sadly, that’s really my only point of comparison, and it’s not a great one).
It was extremely refreshing to find out this movie is not only deserving of the
“classic” moniker, but still holds up. “Oh
wow, big shock, local dunce discovers critically adored classic movie is good.
Developing: same jackass to find out Chappelle’s Show is also great several
years after it ended.” Nah, really though, the odds were stacked against Nightmare 1. This is an 80’s slasher
movie, an oeuvre that has a lot of pitfalls (derivative tropes, poor writing,
dated effects, laughable acting) to overcome. Wes “Pitfall Harry” Craven leaped
nimbly over nearly all of them.
There are two chief reasons why A Nightmare on Elm Street works. The first is the somewhat cheap
and obvious explanation: the viewers will (one hopes) have nightmares of Freddy
Krueger. Of course viewers likely had nightmares after watching The Exorcist and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, but this time it actually mattered
when you had a nightmare - there could very well be consequences. This is the
sort of immersion that's excellent in movies; by making the viewer a more
active participant, you can ensure the atmosphere sticks with the audience. Ringu is another movie that did this
The other necessary quality for success found in A Nightmare on Elm Street is the creativity found in dreams/nightmares. I still find the best representation of a dream sequence in cinema is the toaster's nightmare in The Brave Little Toaster (bear with me). The shifting planes of reality, the subconscious fears, the symbolism; it all works together better than any other movie I've seen. Inception came close, but introduced too many rules for my taste. In the past I've criticized A Nightmare on Elm Street for adhering too much to a realistic dream, but there's two main problems with my critique. One, upon reflection, dreams often do reflect reality and can in fact be very realistic; that recurring dream where you missed an entire semester of class certainly feels real no matter how far removed you are from graduation. Two, the realistic setting is absolutely essential for giving the victims a false sense of calm and for (intentionally) misleading the audience as to whether the victims are awake or asleep. (On the one hand, I suppose one could also argue that Freddy’s magic powers make the teenagers dream of a realistic scenario analogous to their geographic whereabouts, but on the other hand, shut up.)
This isn't to say that the dreams are completely realistic; if they were, there wouldn't be a gorillion sequels by now. FK's kills are creative and unique for each person, as they very well ought to be. It's sort of like Final Destination in that regard; even though he's limited by that ridiculous knife glove, he still finds interesting ways to dispatch his targets.
The other necessary quality for success found in A Nightmare on Elm Street is the creativity found in dreams/nightmares. I still find the best representation of a dream sequence in cinema is the toaster's nightmare in The Brave Little Toaster (bear with me). The shifting planes of reality, the subconscious fears, the symbolism; it all works together better than any other movie I've seen. Inception came close, but introduced too many rules for my taste. In the past I've criticized A Nightmare on Elm Street for adhering too much to a realistic dream, but there's two main problems with my critique. One, upon reflection, dreams often do reflect reality and can in fact be very realistic; that recurring dream where you missed an entire semester of class certainly feels real no matter how far removed you are from graduation. Two, the realistic setting is absolutely essential for giving the victims a false sense of calm and for (intentionally) misleading the audience as to whether the victims are awake or asleep. (On the one hand, I suppose one could also argue that Freddy’s magic powers make the teenagers dream of a realistic scenario analogous to their geographic whereabouts, but on the other hand, shut up.)
This isn't to say that the dreams are completely realistic; if they were, there wouldn't be a gorillion sequels by now. FK's kills are creative and unique for each person, as they very well ought to be. It's sort of like Final Destination in that regard; even though he's limited by that ridiculous knife glove, he still finds interesting ways to dispatch his targets.
The writing’s on point, too. There’s multiple genuinely funny
lines in the movie, and you really get the feeling that audiences in the
theater were eating this up. There aren’t any moments to my recollection where
a line was so stupidly written where I rolled my eyes, and that’s a pretty
decent accomplishment for an 80s movie. I’ve also got to credit the general
situations; the tongue scene and the final scene are – in addition to being
somewhat creepy, are also likely to make various audiences laugh. There’s just
the right amount of silliness, and it’s not just the sort of “oh this is so
stupid” kinda humor found in the Friday
the 13th series.
The effects are also great for their time, and passable by
today’s standards. Sure, you can see the marks on the stairs where the oatmeal
is supposed to be, and you know it’s a bottomless tub/an upside-down room/a
flame-retardant suit, but you’re able to suspend your disbelief because you just
want to see what’s going to happen next. There’s an important distinction
between Friday the 13th
again: in Friday the 13th,
the audience typically roots for the evil psychotic killer because that’s the
only place entertainment comes from; in A
Nightmare on Elm Street there are far more elements to draw interest, but
the most critical is the dreamscape.
Unfortunately, there are some problems. A bit of a twist
ending here: for all the plot-hole questions I’ve asked throughout this review,
I don’t think any of them are a big problem at all. None of them really ruin
the movie. There are two reasons we don’t need to know about Freddy’s (or
Michael Myers’s, or Jason Voorhees’s, or Leatherface’s) background: 1) it
represents more of an excuse (rather
than a reason or explanation) for the way a person turned out so hostile, or
worse: turns into an opportunity to moralize (yes, thank you New Line Cinema, I
know not to beat my children lest they turn into skin harvesters). 2) (more
salient point here) We seldom know a rotten person’s backstory in our own
lives; while the advantage of fiction is the opportunity to expound upon a
nasty individual’s upbringing, it’s far more realistic and relatable to be left
somewhat in the dark – and all the more fun to guess the backstory on your own.
That hasn’t done anything to stop me from asking copious questions, of course.
![]() |
“Golly, Pop, if the later films establish that Freddy lived at 1428 Elm Street, why did two parents move into the house of a serial child murderer?” |
No, plot holes aren’t what dooms this movie. It’s the acting.
Oh, lord, the acting. Heather
Langenkamp is trying her best, but it’s just not enough. Amanda Wyss doesn’t
get enough time to contribute anything meaningful. Nick Corri is high on heroin
(that’s not a joke). Ronee Blakley just clearly doesn’t care at all. I know
Johnny Depp improved and gave some really quality performances in Edward Scissorhands and Ed Wood, but he’s just laughable in
this. He has absolutely zero screen presence. Color me shocked that the reason he was cast is because Craven's daughter said he's cute. Robert Englund is the only one
who matters, and even he barely gets a line. He’s enough to save the movie and,
to be certain, the poor performances (and they are poor) aren’t enough to drag
this film down to even “just okay” standards. It was good then and it’s good
now. There’s just one other problem with A
Nightmare on Elm Street: not giving us John Saxon a chance to show off his
kung fu skills against Freddy Krueger.
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ReplyDeleteBeware of Uncle Freddy's Puzzle Basement—solving it might be your last nightmare on Elm Street!